Scouts and Parents,

We are having trouble with the sign up links for the November 1, Boards of Review.  Therefore we are doing to this the old fashioned way.

First, email me at

Scouts, email me your name and rank to which you are hoping to advance.  Be sure you have your Scout Master conference signed off.   Be sure to copy a parent on your email.  The Boards of Review will start at 6:00 PM on November run and end around 8:00 PM.  I will send out an agenda before the boards letting you know the exact time of your board.  

Parents, I have two out the needed six parents to conduct the Boards of Review.  I need 4 parents to volunteer.  Without 4 volunteers there will be no Boards to Review.  No experience is necessary.  Each board will be lead by an experienced board member.  Please email me if you can volunteer.  Thanks in advance for volunteering.

I look forward to seeing those participating on November.

Jim Mobley
Troop 149, Advancement Coordinator