Steps to Join

Click the link to go to the appropriate section

New Scouts:

New Adult Leaders, Committee Members, and Parents attending campouts:

Bridging Cub Scouts:

Returning Scouts:

Scout parents will begin receiving membership renewal emails (from with a link to make payment to BSA) approximately 60 days before scout’s BSA membership expiration date. Please make sure parents’ contact information is updated in and is added to your safe senders list so you do not miss renewal email(s).

Most Troop 149 families should expect to receive scout membership renewal emails at the end of October. Note that renewal Terms & Conditions include automatic renewal and billing every year until scout parent opts OUT of automatic renewal through

Returning Adults:

BSA membership renewal information will be emailed (from with a link to make payment to BSA) beginning 60 days before BSA membership expiration date. Please make sure contact information is updated in and is added to your safe senders list so you do not miss renewal email(s).

Individuals who registered with BSA/Troop/ Pack 149 before August 2023 likely have a December 31st membership expiration date, so should expect to receive renewal emails at the end of October. Anyone who registered with BSA/Troop 149 after August 2023 should receive renewal emails approximately 60 days before their registration anniversary date. Note that renewal Terms & Conditions include automatic renewal and billing every year until you opt OUT of automatic renewal through

For questions or to turn in forms, contact Membership Chairperson: Heather Malatesta

* Linked medical form is a fillable .pdf file. Download to your computer and type the requested information into Parts A, B1, and B2. When finished, save the file and print out a copy so you can sign Part A and B2, if applicable. The next time an updated medical form is needed, open the file saved on your computer and update any changes since the previous submission. Medical forms will be kept confidential and shredded after one year.

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Annual Health and Medical Record