When: October 28-30, 2022
Where: The Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA). 20601 Izaak Walton Way, Poolesville, MD 20837
Organizer and Contact Info: Patrick O’Reilly: poreilly6801@gmail.com or 571-235-6801
Cost / Payment: $70
Travel Details: Meet at the church parking lot on Friday at 4:45. Will return on Sunday at the Lorcom side of the church around 12pm.
Meal Info:
Friday: Bag lunch in the car while traveling
Saturday & Sunday: Grubmaster will provide breakfast and dinner on Saturday and Sunday continental breakfast. Saturday lunch will be hot dogs
Equipment Required:
Bag Dinner for the road
$70 ammo and Saturday lunch
Other: The safety briefing will occur at the range. No need to do anything in advance.
Permission Slips:
For Scouts, please fill out two forms with the links below: the standard BSA form + IWLA waiver form. For adults, complete the IWLA waiver form. Send completed forms to Patrick O’Reilly.
Sign-Up Instructions: First Name and Last Initial only. No last names, please.